1709 E. Prospect Rd, Ashtabula, Ohio 44004
We take great care in helping veterans and their family members secure financial and burial benefits. Our Service Officers can work with you to determine which services you may be eligible for as an honorably discharged veteran. No-cost memorial benefits include the following.
(Funeral Home Only) Contact our office for assistance.
The VA provides a U.S. flag at no cost, to drape the casket of a veteran who served honorably in the armed forces.
The funeral home can arrange this for you.
Our Commission will provide a flag case at no cost as a memorial to the veteran’s service. (There are eligibility requirements for a flag case. Please call to inquire.)
Indigent Burial Benefit
Veteran had no savings or insurance to cover the expense of his/her funeral.
Family has no funds to pay the funeral bill in full.
Funeral home applies for benefit, maximum being $1000.00.
Government Headstone
The Department of Veterans Services provides the headstone at no charge. We will assist in filling out the application.
If a veteran's grave marker needs to be reset, please notify the cemetery superintendent.
Headstone and Marker Inscription Abbreviations and Ranks by Branch of Service.
VA Burial Benefit
Veteran was in receipt of pension or compensation from the VA or died in a VA facility or VA contracted nursing home.
Presidential Memorial Certificates
A certificate which bears the president's signature expressing the country's grateful recognition of the veteran's service in the armed forces. Applications are taken daily in our office.
Supplied by the Department of Veterans Affairs.